domingo, 20 de julho de 2008
Ideal! :)
One quality that my perfect guy must have is imperfection. The last thing I want is someone perfect by my side!!
In addiction, I just have a few demands... I want:
*Someone who makes mistakes, but knows how to apologize.
*Someone who is capable of crying, and is man enough to admit it and even share some of those moments with me.
*Someone with whom I can cry with and he would hug and tell me everything will be ok.
*Someone who can make me laugh!! And knows the place where I have tickles!!
*Someone who can put me on his lap and never says I’m too heavy!
*Someone who will make me believe that he forgot my birthday and then make a big surprise. :D
*Someone who would take me to dinner and open the car’s door, and pay for dinner, a true gentleman.
*Someone who eats and drinks more than me. I like little bellies!! ;)
* Someone that would make fun of my fears, but then he’d hold my hand until I fell asleep.
* Someone who admires me for who I am and my history.
*Someone with whom I can talk about everything and have the most amazing arguments.
*Someone with whom every moment is special.
* Someone intelligent.
*Someone who doesn’t judge me for my actions, for my habits, just accepts and loves me for what I am.
*Someone, that for him I feel that I’m indispensable, that he needs me.
*Someone tender and caring and that gives me the amount of affection I need.
*Someone I can look in the eyes and don’t be afraid.
*Someone with character! Who calls my attention when I need.
*Someone who is jealous of the other boys.
*Someone with whom I don’t need to ask to know what he is thinking.
*Someone with whom I will travel around the world.
*Someone who loves me.
*Someone who finds something special about me, that I never noticed before.
*Someone with a cute face! ;)
*Someone who looks at me and thinks it is forever.
* Someone who would give his life to save mine.
Is it asking too much???
Where are you my Prince Charming??? Come and rescue me! ;)
Ich möchte nicht unsterblich sein!!
Ich denke für immer leben ist ein Albtraum und nicht ein Traum. Klar, dass ich für alles Zeit hätte, aber nach einiger Zeit wäre ich müde! Auch meine Familie und Freunde wären alle tot, und ich wäre total allein in aller Ewigkeit!
Meiner Meinung nach, mag ich lieber ein kurzeres Leben mit allen Personnen, die ich liebe, statt die Unsterblichkeit.
Não gosto...
Não gosto de primeiros beijos.
não gosto carne assada.
não gosto de acordar com barulho.
não gosto de esperar.
não gosto de pressão.
não gosto de pessoas cínicas.
não gosto de injustiças.
não gosto de pressa.
não gosto de não ter razão.
não gosto que mandem em mim.
não gosto de me sentir incompreendida.
não gosto do desespero.
não gosto de sítios feios.
não gosto de insultos.
não gosto de ideias pré-concebidas.
não gosto do calor.
Parece que a lista do 'gosto' ganhou! :)

Deparei-me há tempos com um postal da revista happy, com uma ideia banal, mas que de certa forma despoletou o meu interesse. Resolvi aderir à ideia... Aqui vai a minha criação e uma imagem do postal!
Gosto de sabrinas pretas.
gosto de vestidos.
gosto dos meus caracóis.
gosto de tirar fotos a pés.
gosto de comer mexicanos.
gosto de chocolate quente.
gosto de concertos ao ar livre.
gosto de tomar café quentinho.
gosto de tatuagens.
gosto de piercings.
gosto de conversas existencialistas.
gosto de dormir até tarde.
gosto que me façam miminhos no cabelo.
gosto de abraços apertadinhos e sentidos.
gosto de me rir até chorar e ficar sem ar.
gosto de fazer os outros rir.
gosto de dar beijinhos.
gosto dos meus cereais de manhã.
gosto de nadar e brincar na agua até os meus dedos ganharem rugas.
gosto de beijos no pescoço.
gosto de bebidas alcoólicas.
gosto do cheiro do mar.
gosto do amarelo nos meus olhos.
gosto de jogar xadrez.
gosto de me perder em sonhos.
gosto de cuscar.
gosto de nerds.
gosto de andar descalça.
gosto de andar de bicicleta com o vento a bater-me na cara.
gosto de fazer bolos.
gosto de ouvir a chuva.
gosto de ter o cabelo comprido.
gosto de ver filmes.
gosto de ouvir música bem alta.
gosto de cantar no chuveiro.
gosto de andar de mãos dadas.
gosto de falar para o espelho.
gosto de ler em voz alta.
gosto de viajar.
gosto de conhecer pessoas novas.
gosto de jogar cartas.
gosto de andar de pijama.
gosto de receber aquelas mensagens.
gosto de poesia.
gosto do frio.
gosto de primeiros encontros.
gosto do silêncio.
gosto de observar.
gosto de ouvir.
Enfim, gosto das pequenas coisas! :)
There are elements in relationships I can’t deal with properly…
Especially the fact that when I meet someone that I’m attracted to I can’t be myself in front of them, I’m always the person I think they want me to be, or they are looking for… I don’t think none of the people I dated knew the real me, they knew some parts of me that I couldn’t disguised or I knew they would enjoy it, but never the whole truly me… The desire to please everyone it was so much stronger and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, however it can be really negative, when we stop being ourselves to please, to satisfy their wills.
I used to believe I was quite versatile, I could adapt to every person’s taste, please everyone and be loved by everyone… But that was a colossal illusion, they didn’t like me, they liked the person I knew they would like... It’s definitely tough to know that it was all a lie!
I don’t know why I did it, I regretted every time and I still regret it… The truth is that being myself bring too much complication, that person may not like the person I am, and that was just too painful to cope with…
Now, I want to take that risk! It’s harder than I expected, to be in such a vulnerable situation, I like to be in control, even not showing I am… But it’s what I want now, I want to be me, without disguises, without masks, just me.
Only that way I can find true love!!