So, the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree."
I found this text today... Unfortunately, I agree with it...
Well, I guess I'm still waiting for the one who has the courage to climb the tree!
Maybe someday... :)
3 comentários:
Sou uma maçã podre e verde ao mesmo tempo.Parece contraditório porque para ser podre tem que se ser madura primeiro e entao nao poderia ser verde. Podre pelo que ja de madura fui em demasia. Verde porque não amadureci em determinados assuntos, as larvas comem-me onde estou podre. Mas no verde está a minha esperança de ser uma maça vermelhinha no futuro próximo. Falta o adubo a arvore que me suporta, precisa de nitrato de amónio, sol q.b. e água. Mas acredito que vou ser uma maça seleccionada do pomar da sociedade por mais que isso custe alcançar.
(Não é por acaso que o meu blog é as maduras comias eu e falo de há mas sao verdes XD blogs em sintonia)
Maçazinha keep posting.
"How do you like them apples?", also shortened to, "How do you like them?" or, "Them apples," is an American idiom used to gloat or to express bemusement. In both senses, the phrase probably acts as a rhetorical question.
The phrase got wide exposure in the popular 1997 Hollywood film, Good Will Hunting. Will, the film's main character, gloats to a rival, Clark, about winning a young woman's affection:
"- Will: Do you like apples?
- Clark: Yeah.
- Will: Well, I got her number. How do you like them apples?"
You're definitly the apple that is on the highest branch!
Because you are at the Top!!
You are a very special, sweet and beautiful girl that just a special man can reach!
The others can look but don't touch!Because you're way too good for them! They can't handle you!
So...Don't Panic!
At the right the perfect time...your charming prince will appear and rescue you!
And when that moment will be Excelent!
Do You Know Why???
Because it will be Forever!!!
Adoro-t muuuuitao
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